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移动集装箱实验室,以集装箱为载体,将实验室装备、空 调、地暖、各类传感器、物联网、大数据、自动化控制,实验 仪器等,创造性的结合在一起。近,可跋山涉水,深入荒漠密 林;远,能漂洋过海,远赴赤道极地。具有极强的移动性和适 应性,可以在不同场地快速部署,极大的降低了传统实验室建 设和样品运输的成本。

The mobile container laboratory, with the container as the carrier, creatively combines laboratory equipment, air conditioning, floor heating, various sensors, Internet of Things, big data, automatic control, experimental instruments, etc. Near, you can trek through mountains and rivers, and go deep into the desert dense forest; far, can drift across the ocean, go to the equatorial polar regions. It is extremely mobile and adaptable, and can be quickly deployed in different sites, which greatly reduces the cost of traditional laboratory construction and sample transportation.