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液氨取样器是用于取样液氨的仪 器,主要用于工业和化学实验室中对 液氨进行分析和检测。液氨是氨气在 低温下的液态形式,其性质与气态氨 相似,但具有更高的密度和可液化 性。因此,在许多工业和实验室应用 中,液氨的取样方法是必不可少的。 取样设备包括冷凝器、阀门、泵等组 件,通过控制这些组件的运作,可以 将液氨从工业管道或实验设备中收集 到样品瓶中。

Liquid ammonia sampler is an instrument used to sample liquid ammonia, which is mainly used for the analysis and detection of liquid ammonia in industrial and chemical laboratories. Liquid ammo- nia is the liquid form of ammonia at low temperatures, which is similar in property to gaseous ammonia but has higher density and liquefiability. Therefore, sampling methods for liquid ammonia are essential in many industrial and laboratory applications.Sampling equip- ment includes components such as condensers, valves, pumps, etc., and by controlling the operation of these components, liquid ammonia can be collected from industrial pipelines or lab equipment into sample vials.