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取样阀属于针型阀,是仪表测量管路系统中重要组成部 分,是一种可以精确调整、切断流体的阀门,阀芯就是一个 很尖的圆锥体,一般用于较小的流量,较高压力的气体或者 液体,结构跟截止阀形似,其功用是作开启或切断管道通路 用的阀门。
我司生产的针型阀,耐压20MPa,全316L不锈钢材质, 还可以配备防爆片,确保在过压状态下进行泄压,从而保证 设备整体的压力安全。

The sampling valve belongs to the needle valve, which is an important part of the instrument measurement pipeline system, is a valve that can accurately adjust and cut off the fluid, and the valve core is a very sharp cone, which is generally used for smaller flow rates and higher pressure gases or liquids, and the structure is similar to the shape of the globe valve, and its function is to open or cut off the valve for pipeline passage.
The needle valve produced by our company has a pressure resistance of 20MPa, all 316L stainless steel, and can also be equipped with explosion-proof discs to ensure pressure relief in the overpressure state, so as to ensure the overall pressure safety of the equipment.